Sunday, June 6, 2010

Post 1

Did You Know? 3.0

This video was short but full of interesting facts. It really surprised me how quickly technology has changed over time. The comparison of the U.S. and China was eye opening. I think that it is important for everyone to realize how important technology is a
nd how imperative it is to learn all that we can. This video was to show the progress that our country and other countries have made in such a short amount of time.
Numbers are a great way to show progress, people like to see numbers and it really puts things into perspective. This was also kind of scary to see how fast things are change and that they are more than likely going to continue to change. One of the numbers that really affected was the number that discussed how if a student in college used a type of technology their first year that by their third year it would be outdated. So overall it was a good video to watch.

Mr. Winkle Wakes

This video was about an old man waking up after one hundred years. It was a simple video but true. When he went into offices and hospitals they were updated and everyone was using technology but the schools were not. I do not think that I totally agree that schools have not changed at all in the past one hundred years but the changes have definitely been minor compared to other places.
This is a huge problem. Schools should be utilizing technology the most and using every resource that is available to them. Students love to use and work with computers and any other new gadget that is out so why not play to their interest. The more students enjoy the class the more they learn. Lecturing students and using the same old techniques are not going to be effective. Students are constantly changing so our schools should be changing with them.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
This video made some great points on fostering creativity and not killing it. One point that the speaker made was that the arts were always at the bottom of importance of schools every where. This is a shame because art, music, dance, and other art programs are great ways for students to express themselves. Not all students learn the same and some need different outlets and these provide them.
My favorite thing that the speaker said throughout the video was that we should treat creativity the same as literacy. I agree with this because I have heard many stories of teachers punishing students for creativity and not showing it any importance. Teachers should not be the reason that students do not go after their dreams of being a dancer, artist, or whatever it is that they want to do, instead we should be one of the people giving them the tools to fulfill those dreams.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts
This was a nice video to see because this teacher was taking advantage of new technology. She is a great example of how new techniques can be effective and that we do not always have to do the same thing for our students to learn. She lets the students teach and create things on their own. She is not scared of trying things that she does not know everything about and I think that with the constant change in technology that we all should be that way.
I have always found as a student that I do better with subjects that I am interested in so why would my students be any different. I think that finding new ways to present information is a great way to make not so interesting material easier to learn. Why should our students suffer just because we are not up to date on technology, they deserve to get the best education that we can give them. This teacher is a great example of how any teacher can use technology in their classroom.


  1. I agree with you that it is scary that technology is changing and outdated so quickly. I think all of us has experience that in our lifetime. Just think how video games have progressed over the years. It seems like every year there is a new game system. Also, look at the type of computers that are out there for the average consumer. It's not like we can buy a computer now and think of it as a long term investment. The next year or maybe within the current year you bought your computer a newer, more up to date model is available. Look at how many times windows has been updated to a newer version. Vista was only out for a little while and then Microsoft was announcing Windows 7. Also, look at how cell phones have changed over the years. At first we thought text messaging was the in thing to do. Now our cell phones are like computers on the go. I can only imagine what the future will hold for technology and education.

    I also agree with you that students should be able to express their creativity. Creativity should be encouraged. Every student is different and has different strong points.Not everyone expresses themselves in the same way. If everyone had the same mind set we would live in a pretty boring world.

    Yes, the Vicki Davis video was a great example of how a teacher can use technology in the classroom. I also liked the idea of teaching student where to find information and not just to expect to know everything off hand.

    In Mr. Winkles, I agree that schools have changed over one hundred years, but not as much as they could have and not as the same pace as in the workforce. Just think of what our hospitals or health care system would be like if they changed as slowly as our education system. The point that did stick out to me in that video was that Mr. Winkles was not comfortable with modern technology, he was content with the old ways.

  2. Hillery,

    "The more students enjoy the class the more they learn." You hit the nail on the head. Also, "Teachers should not be the reason that students do not go after their dreams of being a dancer, artist, or whatever it is that they want to do, instead we should be one of the people giving them the tools to fulfill those dreams." With those two things being said, how do you plan to use arts and technology in your classroom? Can they be integrated together?

    Because we have had class together before, I know you are capable of outstanding work. During this semester, you have the freedom to really produce creative posts based on your reactions, ideas, and discoveries. Don't be afraid to come out of your shell. I challenge you to go beyond summary and add more of your perspective.

    Rest assured though, Hillery, your work met all the requirements adequately, and I particularly like your picture addition. Keep up the good work!


    Ps. From what I have seen from Melissa so far, you are really fortunate to have her comment on your work. She really stood out to me with her post.
