Friday, July 9, 2010

Post 10

This 7th grader's PLN was impressive. She did such a great job and was really using it for her class. I loved that as time went on she was finding things that she found interesting and added them to her network. This is such a great way to motivate students to want to learn and discover things about what they are learning. My PLN at this point is not quite as extensive as the one this student has created but she definitely gives anyone making one great ideas. I liked that she keeps her school and personal stuff somewhat separate. Such a great job.

Two Questions that can change your life
This was a short but great video. I loved the question of "Was I better today than yesterday?"
I agree that by asking ourselves this question everyday that we will be better. We need to make sure that we are getting better in life instead of going down or leveling out. We will never reach our peak if we do not know where it is. My sentence was harder to come up with than I thought it would be so it is in future tense, more of what I intend to accomplish. So for now anyways my sentences is, "I will become a great educator that helps to make a difference in my student's lives."


  1. Hi Hillery, I too was very impressed by this 7th grader's PLE. I think I may need to contact her for some pointers (smile). I attempted to use this program, but was not very successful. It's so amazing how quickly young people can pick-up on technology. Truly amazing. In reference to your sentence...I really like it. I think that you will be an awesome teacher...oh to be a fly on the wall! Keep up the great work.
